T.I. and his wife Tiny are reportedly being sued for sexual assault and battery after a woman claims the two drugged her in a nightclub.
According to reports, the woman who is being indentified as Jane Doe, claims the couple spiked and drink inside of a club and then took her to their hotel room for a threesome.
Jane Doe says at the time she was enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and stationed in L.A. around 2005- when she and a friend was invited to Coolio’s home and met a guy who went by “Caviar” allegedly worked for T.I. and Tiny. Although the couple did not show up at the party, Caviar informed Doe that they’d be at the nightclub the next night.
Doe went to the club the following night and met the couple in the VIP section. She recalls having two Amaretto sours that she ordered before Tiny allegedly gave her another drink in which she didn’t see Tiny drink, however she would end up sharing it with her friend. Before leaving the nightclub, Doe says that the rapper asked her to ride with him and Tiny, while her friend would ride with T.I’s friend, Caviar, because they were all going to the same place.
The lawsuit goes on to say that once it was just the couple and she in the hotel room, she alleges Tiny took her into the bathroom, where she took off both of their clothes and then a naked T.I. joined them and they all got in the shower.
She says she started to feel dizzy and lightheaded and was told to go to bed T.I. She also claims that the sexual assault started after T.I. demanded a rubbed down from her and that Tiny would join in by pinning her down on her stomach.
She remembers getting sick and being mocked by T.I. before passing out. She states that she woke up with vaginal pain and was told that she had to leave by the rapper’s security guard.
The lawsuit states that she is suing the couple for sexual assault, battery, negligence, and false imprisonment.
T.I. and Tiny deny those allegations. In a statement the couple says, “on the heels of positivity, negativity always rears its ugly head. This plaintiff has been threatening to file this lawsuit for THREE years. For THREE years, we have emphatically and categorically denied these allegations. For THREE years we have maintained our innocence and refused to pay these extortionate demands for things we didn’t do. For THREE years, we’ve maintained the same position while the claims in this story have changed time and time again.”