Full Circle! Drake Recalls A Time He Opened Up For Ice Cube For $100

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Drake recalls a time he opened up for Ice Cube in Toronto for $100.

Back in 2006, the four-time Grammy award winner was paving a way for himself- doing opening gigs for big time rappers. Drake performed songs from his first mixtape, “Room For Improvement.”

The Flyer Vault Instagram page shared the invoice from the show to the online platform, which sparked a lot of attention- even from Drake himself. “On August 19, 2006, Ice Cube headlined the Kool Haus with supporting act Drake in what was likely his first ever concert. The Boy got paid a handsome sum of $100 and performed cuts from his debut mixtape ‘Room For Improvement’ which was released earlier that year. Classic history” the page wrote.

Drake then shared the invoice to his Instagram story and gave some words of encouragement to his 122M followers. “This is for anybody getting 100 a show right now… keep going.”

Take a look below.

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