50 Cent Calls For Ousting Of NY Judge Who Threatened To Shoot Black Teens

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Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

50 Cent demands the removal of a New York Supreme Court Judge for threatening to shoot Black teens.

Earlier this week, police bodycam footage emerged showing State Supreme Court Justice Erin Gall clashing with a group of Black teens after uninvited guests crashed a high school graduation party at her friend’s house in 2022

During a conversation with officers following a series of fights between partygoers, Judge Gall can be heard endorsing gun violence against the Black teens and expressing that she would personally handle the situation if necessary, all while making racially offensive remarks.

“They’ll be shot on the property. Because when they trespass, you can shoot them on the property. I’ll shoot them on the property,” she said.

Further, Gall, a white Republican, vowed to throw away the keys that the teens lost during the scuffle if she found them, despite her demands for them to leave the premises. “You’re not going to find your keys. You got to call an Uber and get off the property,” she said. “You’re going to get a cop escort home.”

The 53-year-old also belittled the teens’ intelligence, stating: “They don’t look like they’re that smart. They’re not going to business school, that’s for sure.”

“The good part is, I’m always on your side. You know I’d take anyone down for you guys,” she added, seemingly trying to win their favor.

Upon seeing the clip, 50 Cent took to Instagram to issue a call to action. “👀SMH she should be removed this is bad. Repost this video @bransoncognac @lecheminduroi,” he wrote in the caption.

Gall has also faced scrutiny from The State Commission on Judicial Conduct, which concluded in their report released this past Monday (July 22) that she “created at least the appearance of racial bias.”

“Her wide array of misconduct severely undermined public confidence in the judiciary and in her ability to serve as a fair and impartial judge,” the report charged.

Meanwhile, Robert H. Tembeckjian, the commission’s administrator, called Gall’s behavior appalling in his statement about the incident. “[Erin Gall’s behavior] was as shocking as anything I have seen in my 40 years of judicial ethics enforcement,” he said.