Chloe Bailey Reveals She No Longer Has A Close Relationship W/ Her Parents Anymore

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Chloe Bailey is getting candid with her family life.

While praising her godmom, Shermay, she opens up about her relatinship with her mom and dad. “I could not do this thing called life without you [Shermay]. You believe in me when I don’t believe in myself. You life me up no matter how strong or weak I may feel. Thank you for being the light in my life, and I am so grateful and honored to know you and love you.”

She then addressed the commenters who felt like holding her Godmom’s hand was adnormal of some sort. “To all the people saying stuff about me holding my Godmom’s hand, guys, I suffer from anxiety. Like, you all don’t know how bad–it’s really bad!”

She continued, “I have really, really bad anxiety. Any time [Halle] and I are together, what am I doing? I’m holding her hand. Any time I’m out with anybody–whether it’s girlfriends or something–I’m holding their hands. My Godmom is like… she is my safe haven and my safe space. And she has to stop wearing rings sometimes because I’m squeezing her hand so hard.”

You all don’t know [Shermay] has been like my number-one rock and my support system when I’ve been like destructing inside. So, please, don’t talk about my sister, don’t talk about my Godmom, don’t talk about family. I will come for you! And, you know, I don’t have the closest relationship with my parents. Maybe, one day, down the line, I’ll share why. But… it’s nice that I have a solid support system.”

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