Flavor Flav Vows To Use His ‘Golden Years’ To Make A ‘Positive Difference’

Flavor Flav Attempts To Save Red Lobster By Ordering The Entire Menu
Photo by Justin Casterline/Getty Images

Flavor Flav sets his sights on winning the hearts of America, as the nation’s next humanitarian.

Taking to Instagram on Sunday (June 30), the Public Enemy rapper shared his plans to lend a helping hand in all his future endeavors, albeit with minimal context.

“I’m in a new Era of my life,,, my golden years,,, and Imma use these years to give back and make a positive difference in everything I can,” he began on Twitter/X.

“Imma also live life to the fullest and nobody is going to turn back time on me,!!”

He continues, reflecting on his journey to recovery from addiction, writing: “I live every day knowing that I can make a difference in other people’s lives,,, even if it’s with a hug or handshake,,, cuz ya never know what anyone else is going thru. And I been thru it.

“I am 4 years sober from cigarettes and alcohol that started when I was just 6 years old. I been 15+ years sober from hard drugs that started back when black communities were targeted.”

“Everyone makes mistakes and I’ve had to live mine publicly. I’m proud to share my sobriety journey and Thankx to my friends and family and those who support me.”

In closing, Flav offered words of encouragement for those facing adversity: ‘To everyone out there struggling with addiction, it is a real battle you fight every day. But I’m still here and you know what,,, I DID IT,,, and if I can do it,,, anyone can do it,!!!’”

Addressing media outlets, he urged, “To every media outlet that tries to capitalize on my goodwill initiatives and tear me down by bringing up my past or old interviews,,, do better and bring up today and what I do now.”

In his quest to live life to the fullest, the “”Flavor of Love” star announced earlier this year his return to reality TV, this time to pursue higher education.

“Some more reality TV coming up for [me] but no dating shows! It’s not the dating show thing, man,” he said speaking to  TMZ. “I’m going back to high school to get my diploma! That’s what my show is going to be about. Flavor Flav goes back to high school to get his diploma and I’m getting it for real. Not a GED, bro. I want my diploma.”

Recognizing the significant changes in curriculum since his school days, he added, “If I want that diploma, it’s just something that I ain’t got no choice but to adapt.”