NOT GUILTY? Officer Who Murdered Philando Castile Walks [VIDEO]

Screenshot from video of Philando Castille's family

Photo Credit: Stephen Mauturen – Getty Images

Another shocking verdict leaves the world in awe at the jury’s decision to let officer Jeranimo Yanez off the hook for the murder of Philando Castille.

Yanez was found not guilty for second-degree manslaughter and acquitted of two counts of intentional discharge of a firearm that endangers safety.

The death of Castille caught the worlds attention as his girlfriend Diamond recorded the brutal police interaction on Facebook Live.

Castille’s family was left devastated when the verdict was announced.

After his family was escorted out of the courtroom, Castille’s mother made a statement to the public saying “The system continues to fail black people,” she said. “My son loved this city and this city killed my son and the murderer gets away! Are you kidding me right now? “We’re not evolving as a civilization, we’re devolving. We’re going back down to 1969. What is it going to take?”

Rest in Peace Philando Castille

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