Tina Knowles Says Daughter Solange Was Conceived On The Nile River

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Tina Knowles says her youngest daughter, Solange Knowles, was conceived on the Nile River in Egypt.

During a recent interview with The Run-Through With Vogue podcast, Knowles opens up about the origins of her daughters’ names.

“I went to Paris when I was about 32 … Well, when I got pregnant with her. I bought a baby name book in Paris for my girlfriend, and she was going to have a baby, and then the next year I wound up having a baby, so I pulled that old book out.”

She continued: “But actually Solange was conceived on the Nile in Egypt, and I thought I was having a boy, and I wanted to name him Niles … but little did I know, here came this girl, and so yeah, that’s where I got her name.”

“I had some revelations, in terms of my parents finding out they conceived me in Egypt after visiting the Giza pyramids, and connecting to that and the constellation of Orion that aligns with Giza” Knowles expressed.

In a previous interview Knowles also spoke about Solange’s upbringing. “Solange was signing a petition in school. She was only in like fifth grade and she was out getting petitions signed,” Knowles said. “So she’s always been an activist.”

She shared the interview to her Instagram and captioned it, “each child is different! But all so special. I believe kids are born with their personalities. My three girls All handled things very differently,” the fashion designer wrote in the caption of the video. “Learn their personalities and respect the individuality. Never compare the negatives , always praise the positive differences and pay attention to the things that you can brag on about them. They love it and it encourages positive behavior . Interview with Vogue.com At Vogue offices.”