Topshelf Shares The Story Behind Viral Cam Newton Fight

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Topshelf Performance coaches, TJ and Steph Brown, addressed the viral Cam Newton altercation that took place over the weekend with Florida’s 103.5 The Beat radio station on Monday (Feb.26). Coaches apologized and explained the lead-up to the altercation with the former NFL quarterback.

“First and foremost, I want to apologize to everyone that was out there,” TJ said in the 1:28 clip. “The parents of, not just our team, but everybody. That should have never happened. We should have been able to sit down and talk. It’s no reason we should be yelling at each other while a game is going on. Ain’t none of that necessary… So Cam has an organization, it’s not just one team, he has an organization. It’s just been a lot of trash talk, more so his [Newton] side. Just talking crazy to us for no reason. Just out of nowhere, just talking crazy to us for no reason. It not nothing new. I been around bro for five years. It’s typical Cam Netwon behavior.”

The brawl occurred during a 7-on-7 football tournament in Atlanta. Reports claim the situation was a result of trash-talking. While the visual suggests that Cam Newton was trying to break up the altercation, others say that Netwon initiated contact. TJ told Fox News:

“Cam jumps out of his car and yells, ‘Hey, all that sorry s*** ain’t gonna work today. What we betting today? What we betting? I’m like, ‘I ain’t betting you, bro. I already beat you three, four times. You got to beat me first.’ He like, ‘What we betting? I got plenty of money. I ain’t ever running out of money.’ That’s when I told him, ‘That’s your problem. All you care about is money. You think money is everything. You can’t buy me.’ And I walk off.”

He added: “He’s just got to understand we’re people. Nobody’s just going to let you go around disrespecting and talking crazy to them. I know how to brush it off, but not everybody’s like that.”

Cam Newton has not commented yet. TJ and Steph told TMZ they hope to resolve the situation soon.